This Week In Ai news and trends

This Week in AI: Why the Big Fuss Over Luma?
artificial intelligence // June 14, 2024

This week in artificial intelligence news, AI is changing shopping experiences and generating video content across various sectors. This week’s developments showcase the technology’s potential, with Apple, Luma AI and Intuit unveiling AI-powered solutions. However, as the AI landscape evolves rapidly, regulators are faced with the...

This Week in AI: Earnings, Regulation Tightropes, Content Deals and Cyberattacks
Artificial Intelligence // May 31, 2024

This week in artificial intelligence news, tech giants, HP and nCino reported strong first-quarter earnings, all fueled by the increasing demand for AI products and services. Meanwhile, states are looking at regulations and the Department of Justice eyes AI content deals. Tech Giants Ride...

This Week in AI: News Corp Partners With OpenAI, Nvidia Earnings Soar
artificial intelligence // May 24, 2024

This week in artificial intelligence (AI) news, OpenAI struck a news-sharing deal with News Corp and faced accusations from actress Scarlett Johansson over an allegedly replicated voice. Nvidia reported a staggering 262% revenue surge driven by the AI boom. Meanwhile, Amazon is preparing to launch...

This Week in AI: Digital Agents, Quantum AI, Automated Pharmacies and Spy Chatbots
artificial intelligence // May 10, 2024

This week in artificial intelligence (AI) news, a company is developing AI agents that could enable more lifelike interactions between businesses and customers, and quantum computing could boost AI by applying quantum principles, potentially transforming areas like medicine and cryptography. Neuroscience Meets AI: Altera’s New...