Tim Berners Lee news and trends

Bidding For The ‘Big Bang’ Of The Internet — And Perhaps NFTs’  Future
Cryptocurrency // June 16, 2021

For what might be thought of as the Big Bang of the Web, the bidding starts at $1,000. And how high the auction goes … well, that might signal whether non-fungible tokens (NFTs) will remain buoyant or mark the passing of a fad. CNBC reports...

WWW Creator Tim Berners-Lee Shapes Web Rescue Strategy
Security & Fraud // November 25, 2019

British scientist and World Wide Web (WWW) creator Tim Berners-Lee has designed a strategy to save the internet from corruption and falsehoods,  The Guardian reported on Sunday (Nov. 24). Berners-Lee worked for CERN when he was credited with inventing the web in 1989. His proposed...

Tim Berners-Lee On Building A New Web
Merchant Innovation // May 20, 2019

For Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the man credited with inventing and giving away the World Wide Web protocol that shaped the internet as we know it today, the web at its best has always been about being decentralized. “The decision to make the Web an open...

The World Wide Web Turns 30
Innovation // March 13, 2019

While all sorts of outlets wished the internet a happy birthday yesterday (March 12) they were a little bit off in their well wishes. The internet did not turn 30 this week. The World Wide Web did. The internet dates back to the 1960s ARPA...

Interviews & Exclusives
Tim Berners-Lee On Building A New Web

May 20, 2019
For Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the man credited with inventing and giving away the World Wide Web protocol that shaped the internet as we know it today, the web at its best has always been about being decentralized. “The decision to make the Web an open system was necessary for it to be universal. You can’t […]

Quick Reads
Report: Tim Berners Lee Says Cryptocurrency ‘Only Speculative’

February 20, 2023
The inventor of the World Wide Web said cryptocurrency is “only speculative.” CNBC reported Sunday (Feb. 19) that Tim Berners-Lee compared cryptocurrencies to the internet stocks at the time of the dot-com bubble that had no solid business behind them and came crashing down. “It’s only speculative,” Berners-Lee said during the Friday (Feb. 17) episode of CNBC’s […]

WWW Creator Tim Berners-Lee Shapes Web Rescue Strategy

November 25, 2019
British scientist and World Wide Web (WWW) creator Tim Berners-Lee has designed a strategy to save the internet from corruption and falsehoods,  The Guardian reported on Sunday (Nov. 24). Berners-Lee...

Tim Berners-Lee: Google, Facebook Might Need To Be Broken Up

November 02, 2018
Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the world wide web, has warned that technology giants like Facebook and Google are now so dominant that they might need to be broken up. “What...

World Wide Web Creator Says It’s Time For A Change

April 11, 2017
Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the World Wide Web, said the platform needs a rethink in order to combat spying and the spread of “nasty, mean ideas” or websites. At...