Tomtom news and trends

TomTom Develops In-Car Voice AI Assistant With Microsoft
artificial intelligence // December 19, 2023

Mapping/navigation company TomTom says it has developed an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered, in-car conversational assistant in collaboration with Microsoft. The tool offers enhanced voice interaction with infotainment, location search, and vehicle command systems, and arrives at the end of a year that saw voice AI integrated into more and more...

TomTom Sells Telematics Unit In Ongoing Push With Google Maps
Mobile Commerce // January 22, 2019

TomTom, a Dutch navigation and mapping company, has sold its telematics unit to Bridgestone Europe for €910 million ($1,033 billion). Telematics is a service that helps companies manage fleets in real time, and lets them know the location of each vehicle along with a look...

Microsoft, Baidu Partner To Push Self-Driving Cars Around Globe
Innovation // July 19, 2017

Microsoft and Baidu announced plans Tuesday (July 18)  to partner to drive adoption of self-driving cars around the globe. In a press release the companies said that as part of the Apollo alliance, Microsoft will provide global scale for the Apollo alliance outside of China...

TomTom Navigates With Autonomos Acquisition
Retail // January 18, 2017

Once known for GPS devices, TomTom is looking to embrace the driverless-vehicle trend, full speed ahead. Navigation system company TomTom, which is based in Amsterdam, has steered to an acquisition of Berlin-based, self-driving startup Autonomos. While the numbers spent on the purchase of the company...

Quick Reads
TomTom Develops In-Car Voice AI Assistant With Microsoft

December 19, 2023
Mapping/navigation company TomTom says it has developed an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered, in-car conversational assistant in collaboration with Microsoft. The tool offers enhanced voice interaction with infotainment, location search, and vehicle command systems, and arrives at the end of a year that saw voice AI integrated into more and more applications. “Drivers can converse naturally with their vehicle and ask […]

TomTom Sells Telematics Unit In Ongoing Push With Google Maps

January 22, 2019
TomTom, a Dutch navigation and mapping company, has sold its telematics unit to Bridgestone Europe for €910 million ($1,033 billion). Telematics is a service that helps companies manage fleets in...

Microsoft, Baidu Partner To Push Self-Driving Cars Around Globe

July 19, 2017
Microsoft and Baidu announced plans Tuesday (July 18)  to partner to drive adoption of self-driving cars around the globe. In a press release the companies said that as part of...

TomTom Navigates With Autonomos Acquisition

January 18, 2017
Once known for GPS devices, TomTom is looking to embrace the driverless-vehicle trend, full speed ahead. Navigation system company TomTom, which is based in Amsterdam, has steered to an acquisition...