Tony Wimmer news and trends

APIs, Algorithms Can Fast-Track Bank Automation
API // September 09, 2022

The promise of automation has always loomed large in banking. Clayton Weir, Co-founder at FISPAN, and Tony Wimmer, managing director, head of data and analytics at JPMorgan Payments, told PYMNTS that the promise makes the leap into reality with the aid of advanced technologies. At...

Interviews & Exclusives
J.P. Morgan Payments: AI Transforms Payments’ Tony Starks into Data-Driven Iron Men

March 21, 2023
Artificial intelligence is helping payments executives become high-powered problem solvers. “What makes Tony Stark Iron Man is his exoskeleton and AI-powered enhancement technology,” Tony Wimmer, head of data and analytics at J.P. Morgan Payments, told PYMNTS’ Karen Webster. AI is giving payments professionals, he said, a bit of their own high-powered enhancements in the mix.  At a […]

APIs, Algorithms Can Fast-Track Bank Automation

September 09, 2022
The promise of automation has always loomed large in banking. Clayton Weir, Co-founder at FISPAN, and Tony Wimmer, managing director, head of data and analytics at JPMorgan Payments, told PYMNTS...