Tracking The Digital Payments Takeover news and trends

51% of Online Buyers Used Biometrics Instead of Passwords
Biometrics // September 22, 2023

The convenience and security biometric authentication offers continue to gain prominence. Digital-first consumers increasingly use mobile devices to shop for everything from groceries to retail products to travel and entertainment services. Biometrics enable consumers to easily authenticate their identity when using mobile devices to pay...

Boosting Rewards and Limits Can Grow BNPL Usage
BNPL // September 05, 2023

Paying for purchases in installments is a classic concept in retail, with legacy offerings such as Christmas layaway plans helping consumers manage their spending for decades. Modern iterations, such as credit card installments and buy now, pay later (BNPL) plans, are for every season. Consumer...

Study Finds US Consumers Look a Lot But Buy Little on Social Media
eCommerce // July 10, 2023

Tapping or clicking the hashtag #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt will bring users to pages upon pages of videos in which TikTokers show off viral purchases they first discovered on the platform: iced coffee slushy cups, hair gem stampers, live pet axolotls, levitating bulb lamps and beyond. The hashtag...

Interviews & Exclusives
Consumers Need Incentives to Pick Pay-by-Bank Options

December 18, 2023
Account-to-account (A2A) payments do just what the name implies: transfer funds between bank accounts in near real time. These payments have gained traction in recent years — used by 36% of consumers in the past quarter — but have yet to fully disrupt the wider payments landscape. Our data reveals that peer-to-peer (P2P) payments account […]

Study Finds US Consumers Look a Lot But Buy Little on Social Media

July 10, 2023
Tapping or clicking the hashtag #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt will bring users to pages upon pages of videos in which TikTokers show off viral purchases they first discovered on the platform: iced coffee...