Trade Disputes news and trends

Top Conglomerates Enter A New Era Of Supply Chain Disruption
B2B Payments // June 25, 2019

Supply chain volatility is a difficult nut to crack, due to a host of risks that can be (or at least appear to be) out of a company’s control. Natural disasters and sudden corporate collapses, for example, can cause disruptive (and destructive) ripple effects down...

Strategic Sourcing Evolves Beyond Better Prices
B2B Payments // June 18, 2019

Elevated from its position as merely a point through which money exits the enterprise, the procurement function is quickly becoming a strategic component of corporates in more ways than one. Thanks to digitization, companies can be more calculated on the vendors with whom they choose...

Trade Disputes, Fraud Aren’t Treasurers Biggest Concerns
B2B Payments // March 14, 2019

Corporate treasurers are increasingly concerned about a complex regulatory environment, according to the latest analysis from Strategic Treasurer and TD Bank. The two published their newest “Treasury Perspectives” survey this week, a report that polled corporate treasurers and finance executives about their plans and economic...

Quick Reads
Retail CFOs Tighten Purse Strings Over Physical Store Uncertainty

January 28, 2020
Retail chief financial officers (CFOs) are in for a bumpy road ahead, sitting in the eye of a storm with the presidential election, global trade disputes and mixed signals on customer spending, according to reports. Following a depressed holiday turnout for major retailers, small businesses seemed to fare well — though many brick-and-mortar stores still […]