Tubi news and trends

YouTube Rises to Top Spot in Provider Ranking of Streaming Apps
Mobile Applications // November 21, 2023

Netflix couldn’t stay on top as YouTube grabbed the lead in this edition of the PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Streaming Apps. Other notable changes include Twitch climbing out of the lower half to claim a spot in our top 5 and Crunchyroll also making its way...

Netflix Takes Lead in PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Streaming Apps
Streaming // October 24, 2023

This month’s PYMNTS Provider Rankings of Streaming Apps has a lot of movers and shakers. Netflix jumps to No. 1, knocking down YouTube. A tie in the first half of the rankings allows the rest to climb up. And there are two new contenders tying...

YouTube Leads PYMNTS’ Provider Ranking of Streaming Apps
Streaming // September 21, 2023

PYMNTS’ Provider Ranking of Streaming Apps dives into the world of entertainment. Here are insights into the dynamic landscape of the top music and video streaming platforms as compared to last month. The Top 5 YouTube comes out on top, scoring 88. No. 2 is...

Latest Provider Ranking of Streaming Apps is Close Fight
Streaming // August 18, 2023

The forefront of entertainment is alive with activity and innovation. A quick glance at the PYMNTS’ Provider Ranking of Streaming Apps provides a clear insight into the ever-changing landscape of the top music and video streaming platforms. The Top 5 At the top of our...