U S Federal Reserve news and trends

Trump Makes Two New Nominations To Fed
Bank Regulation // July 03, 2019

President Trump has made two new nominations to the U.S. Federal Reserve. According to his tweets and reports, he wants to fill two board vacancies with Judy Shelton, who serves as U.S. executive director at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and Christopher Waller,...

The Buyers: Senior Citizens, The Forgotten Consumer?
Retail // July 14, 2017

Shaping the future of retail is not a concept that shoots to the top of the list when the industry thinks of senior citizens. When it comes to senior citizens, the retail industry typically has reached out to share discounts, what stocks to buy or alerting them...

Quick Reads
Visa and Mastercard Shares Take a Hit as Fed Weighs Fee Reduction

October 18, 2023
Shares in Visa and Mastercard took a hit on Wednesday (Oct. 18) as news broke that the Federal Reserve is expected to propose a reduction in the fees banks can charge retailers for processing debit card transactions. This development has sparked concerns among investors and industry players, leading to a 1% dip in the early trading of Visa and Mastercard shares, according to […]

Trump Makes Two New Nominations To Fed

July 03, 2019
President Trump has made two new nominations to the U.S. Federal Reserve. According to his tweets and reports, he wants to fill two board vacancies with Judy Shelton, who serves...