Uber Executives news and trends

Uber’s VP of Maps, Former Googler Brian McClendon, Resigns
Ridesharing // March 21, 2017

Another Uber executive has made a swift exit from the company. The latest person to resign is Brian McClendon, the former VP of Uber’s maps and business platform. According to Recode, McClendon is expected to leave Uber after close to two years with the company...

Quick Reads
Uber Takes Back Job Offer To Amazon Voice-Shopping Exec

March 22, 2018
Uber has taken back a job offer it made to Amazon executive Assaf Ronen after it discovered a discrepancy related to his time at the eCommerce giant. Earlier this month, the ridesharing company named Ronen, Amazon’s top voice shopping vice president, product head Daniel Graf’s replacement. Ronen has worked for both Microsoft and Amazon, serving […]

Uber’s VP of Maps, Former Googler Brian McClendon, Resigns

March 21, 2017
Another Uber executive has made a swift exit from the company. The latest person to resign is Brian McClendon, the former VP of Uber’s maps and business platform. According to...