Uk Supreme Court news and trends

UK Supreme Court Rules Customers Liable for Fraud Through Bank Accounts
Banking // July 12, 2023

The United Kingdom’s Supreme Court has reportedly ruled that customers are liable for fraud through their accounts when the bank carried out instructions expressly authorized by the customer. The court ruled that Barclays Plc, the bank responsible for the payment in this case, was in fact...

Bank Mistreatment Of SMBs Goes To UK Supreme Court
B2B Payments // May 14, 2019

U.K. lawmakers continue to crack down on unfair business practices, particularly when it comes to small business lending. But MPs are turning to a new strategy to ramp up their efforts: get the Supreme Court involved. Reports in last week said MPs have petitioned...

Quick Reads
AI Can’t Patent Inventions, UK Supreme Court Rules

December 20, 2023
The British court has ruled that a scientist cannot patent inventions created by an AI. The ruling by the U.K. Supreme Court is a “landmark” decision in the U.K. about whether artificial intelligence (AI) can own patent rights, Reuters reported Wednesday (Dec. 20). According to the report, computer scientist Stephen Thaler had wanted patents in the U.K. for two […]

UK Supreme Court Rules Customers Liable for Fraud Through Bank Accounts

July 12, 2023
The United Kingdom’s Supreme Court has reportedly ruled that customers are liable for fraud through their accounts when the bank carried out instructions expressly authorized by the customer. The court...