Uk Treasury news and trends

UK Treasury to Introduce Stablecoin Regulation Within Weeks
Cryptocurrency // July 06, 2022

The U.K. Treasury is planning legislation to establish a regulatory system for stablecoins, to come as early as August, Coindesk reported Wednesday (July 6). This comes in the form of a partnership with the Bank of England (BoE), the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) and the...

U.K. Treasury Increasing Cryptocurrency Ad Regulations
Cryptocurrency // January 18, 2022

The U.K. Treasury said Tuesday (Jan. 18) that it plans to regulate cryptocurrency advertising like other financial products and ensure that promotions are “fair, clear and not misleading,” according to a Bloomberg report. That includes the crypto billboards that have recently been spotted along the...

Quick Reads
UK Will Regulate Crypto Like Other Financial Services

October 30, 2023
The British government has unveiled its long-awaited plans for regulating cryptocurrencies. Included in that plan is the government’s intent to “bring a number of cryptoasset activities into the regulatory perimeter for financial services for the first time,” the U.K. Treasury said in its announcement Monday (Oct. 30).  According to the announcement, the government plans to […]

UK Treasury to Introduce Stablecoin Regulation Within Weeks

July 06, 2022
The U.K. Treasury is planning legislation to establish a regulatory system for stablecoins, to come as early as August, Coindesk reported Wednesday (July 6). This comes in the form of...

U.K. Treasury Increasing Cryptocurrency Ad Regulations

January 18, 2022
The U.K. Treasury said Tuesday (Jan. 18) that it plans to regulate cryptocurrency advertising like other financial products and ensure that promotions are “fair, clear and not misleading,” according to...