Ulf Persson news and trends

ABBYY CEO: Hesitation Can Kill Great Companies
Business // August 15, 2023

For senior leaders, every day is full of tough decisions. But when those closest to the problem are unable to act decisively, progress stalls and opportunities slip away — a lesson that many organizations have learned the hard way. “Tough decisions are tough for a...

Document Data Extraction Gains Automated Smarts for a Range of Use Cases
Data // November 22, 2022

Digital transformation at the local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) might sound a bit like colonizing Mars. Still, a range of innovations in document automation is changing that mentality and breathing fresh life into informational upgrades ranging from government agencies to commercial enterprises.  Speaking with...

Interviews & Exclusives
C-Suite Execs Share What to Do When Tough Calls Knock

August 31, 2023
The tough choices a business makes should reflect its hopes, not its fears. But getting to the right answer when faced with a challenging decision is becoming more complex, especially as the realities of the business landscape continue to shift while operational workflows and entrenched processes are buffeted and transformed by the rapid pace of […]

ABBYY CEO: Hesitation Can Kill Great Companies

August 15, 2023
For senior leaders, every day is full of tough decisions. But when those closest to the problem are unable to act decisively, progress stalls and opportunities slip away — a...

Document Data Extraction Gains Automated Smarts for a Range of Use Cases

November 22, 2022
Digital transformation at the local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) might sound a bit like colonizing Mars. Still, a range of innovations in document automation is changing that mentality and...