University news and trends

College Students Seek Lower Fall Tuition As Schools Plan To Stick With Digital Classes
Coronavirus // July 16, 2020

Some college students are demanding lower tuition for the coming academic year because many schools are moving toward partial or complete online instruction instead of in-person classes due to the pandemic. Students at schools from coast to coast — from the University of Houston to...

Flywire Launches Charitable Foundation To Foster Equality For The Underrepresented
Healthcare // June 23, 2020

Flywire is looking to offer four scholarships to students from underrepresented areas or backgrounds studying medicine, global health and social justice, a press release from the vertical payments company says. The applications for the scholarships are available through July 31 for any undergraduate or graduate...

Higher Education Eyes Freezing Tuition
Debt // May 08, 2020

The College of William and Mary, hoping to court new applicants even as a financial crisis grips the world, has announced a rollback of the 3 percent tuition increase it previously put in place due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to CNBC. It isn’t alone...

Apple Watch Earns Pro QB $5K Scolding From NFL
Apple // October 08, 2019

The Apple Watch has taken on numerous roles since its 2015 introduction — fitness monitor, mobile workstation, payment provider. Add another job to that list: fine generator for the National Football League (NFL). It seems injured Pittsburgh Steelers Quarterback Ben Roethlisberger owes the league $5,000...

Quick Reads
CFPB: Colleges Need to Protect Students From ‘Junk Fees’

October 13, 2022
America’s colleges have more work to do when it comes to protecting students from so-called “junk fees,” the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) said Thursday (Oct. 13). A new CFPB report looks at the terms and fees connected to banking products marketed to students by financial institutions (FIs) in partnership with colleges. The bureau said […]

Higher Education Eyes Freezing Tuition

May 08, 2020
The College of William and Mary, hoping to court new applicants even as a financial crisis grips the world, has announced a rollback of the 3 percent tuition increase it...