University Of North Carolina news and trends

Coronavirus Refunds: Students Seek Refunds From NC Universities In Suits; Cardinals To Reimburse Fans For...
Coronavirus // April 30, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic is upsetting normal life the world over, and plenty of consumers want refunds on things they paid for but aren’t able to use. Here’s a roundup of some coronavirus-related refunds that university students are seeking and baseball teams are offering. University Fees...

Coronavirus Refunds: Calif. Mandates Insurance Rebates; Wharton Students Want Money Back
Coronavirus // April 13, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic is upsetting normal life the world over, and plenty of consumers want refunds on things that they paid for but aren’t able to use. Here’s a roundup of some coronavirus-related refunds that vendors are offering — or consumers are demanding: Insurance Premiums...