Upwork news and trends

GoDaddy and Upwork Partner to Connect Businesses and Web Designers
Partnerships // April 17, 2024

GoDaddy will join the Upwork Partners program to connect businesses that are looking for web services with web designers and developers who fit their project’s needs. The company will become the first web presence partner of the new program, the companies said in a Wednesday (April 17) press release....

Uber Driver Speeds Ahead in PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Gig Platform Apps
Gig Economy // February 13, 2024

After spending so much money on gifts these last few months, it’s time to bring in some extra cash, but where do you look? The PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Gig Platform Apps can help users find popular gig platforms.  This month our movement is reflected in the...

Uber Driver Cruising on Top in PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Gig Platform Apps
Gig Economy // January 17, 2024

The gig economy is ever-changing, but the PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Gig Platform Apps can help users stay up to date. This month we’ve seen a lot of the apps shifting up the rankings and making way for newcomers such as Amazon Flex. This is how...

DoorDash Trails Uber Driver in Latest Provider Ranking of Gig Platform Apps
Gig Economy // December 13, 2023

The gig economy allows workers control over their own employment while offering consumers choice and convenience. PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Gig Platform Apps, which uses monthly metrics to score related apps based on channel coverage, up-to-date downloads, average users and more, shows which of these...

Interviews & Exclusives
CE 100 Index Slips as Shopify’s Surge Not Enough to Offset Fiverr’s Slide

May 08, 2023
The CE 100 Index lost 0.5% in a week crowded with earnings reports. Shopify’s corporate transformation, and resulting 28% gain in share price, was overshadowed a bit by investor concerns over slowing growth in the gig economy and by the threat AI may pose to other sectors.  The “Work” pillar slid 5.2%. Fiverr plummeted by […]

Upwork On Easing Global Gig Economy Payroll Pains

November 04, 2021
The international eCommerce ecosystem has seen unprecedented growth since the pandemic began in March 2020, yielding many opportunities for digital-first businesses to expand internationally — and many are taking active...

Quick Reads
GoDaddy and Upwork Partner to Connect Businesses and Web Designers

April 17, 2024
GoDaddy will join the Upwork Partners program to connect businesses that are looking for web services with web designers and developers who fit their project’s needs. The company will become the first web presence partner of the new program, the companies said in a Wednesday (April 17) press release. “According to Upwork, website design and development as well as graphic […]

Upwork Launches Partnerships to Enhance Workforce Management

December 05, 2023
Upwork has launched a pair of collaborations designed to offer an improved approach to workforce management. The work marketplace announced Tuesday (Dec. 5) that it was beginning the first of many partnerships...

Gig Worker Platform Upwork Sees 2% Upswing in Client Company Spend

August 03, 2023
Freelancer marketplace Upwork said it saw its client companies using the platform more, with a 2% increase year over year in gross service volume (GSV) per active client, according to...

Upwork and OpenAI Team to Help Companies Find AI Experts

July 31, 2023
Work marketplace Upwork is teaming with OpenAI to help businesses find artificial intelligence (AI) expertise. The partnership, announced Monday (July 31), gives OpenAI customers and other businesses access to professionals “deeply experienced” with OpenAI technologies. “Together,...