Urban Mobility news and trends

Lyft CEO Sees ‘Third Chapter’ as All About the Network
Ridesharing // May 03, 2022

Turning 10 years old this month, Lyft is back in recovery mode as pandemic restrictions come off coast-to-coast, slowly bringing back popular products like shared rides and maintaining a singular focus on transportation through recent investments in urban mobility. President John Zimmer was future-focused during...

Intel Eyes Purchase Of Traffic Data Firm Moovit For $1B
Partnerships / Acquisitions // May 03, 2020

American technology giant Intel has acquired Israel’s public transit app Moovit for $1 billion. Some 10 percent of the purchase price is anticipated to retain workers across the next two years. Founded in 2012, Moovit — based in the Israel town of Ness Ziona —...

Elon Musk Backs His Own Groundbreaking Tunnel Plan
Innovation // April 17, 2018

Dos Equis has the “Most Interesting Man in the World.” Tesla has the most boring man in the world — but in a good way (maybe). Tesla Founder Elon Musk has added another prong to his master plan to save the world, an ambitious tunneling...

Mastercard: Invisible Payments Power Mobility As A Service
Mobile Applications // April 17, 2018

It wasn’t so long ago that traveling to a new city meant swinging by the bookstore, picking up a guidebook and planning the itinerary based on one’s research of the area. Entire businesses were built upon the notion of providing local tips and expertise to...

Interviews & Exclusives
Mastercard: Invisible Payments Power Mobility As A Service

April 17, 2018
It wasn’t so long ago that traveling to a new city meant swinging by the bookstore, picking up a guidebook and planning the itinerary based on one’s research of the area. Entire businesses were built upon the notion of providing local tips and expertise to non-locals. Thanks to the smartphone, those days are gone – […]

Quick Reads
Intel Eyes Purchase Of Traffic Data Firm Moovit For $1B

May 03, 2020
American technology giant Intel has acquired Israel’s public transit app Moovit for $1 billion. Some 10 percent of the purchase price is anticipated to retain workers across the next two years. Founded in 2012, Moovit — based in the Israel town of Ness Ziona — has raised $133 million led by BRM Capital, Hanako, BMW […]

Elon Musk Backs His Own Groundbreaking Tunnel Plan

April 17, 2018
Dos Equis has the “Most Interesting Man in the World.” Tesla has the most boring man in the world — but in a good way (maybe). Tesla Founder Elon Musk...