Us And China news and trends

Investigation Casts Doubt On China’s Role In OPM Hack
Security & Fraud // December 02, 2015

While China has long been suspected of launching the massive cyberattacks against the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) earlier this year, a new probe into the breaches shows the culprits may not be affiliated with the country’s government after all. China’s official news agency,...

US Tech Executives Serve Up Complaints To China’s Xi Jinping
International // September 25, 2015

As China’s president, Xi Jinping, met with United States tech leaders earlier this week in Seattle, he urged cooperation between the two countries in developing an Internet that is in line with China’s “national realities,” The New York Times reported Thursday (Sept. 24). Xi’s audience...

Quick Reads
US-China Hash Out Cybercrime Fighting Rules

December 04, 2015
During talks in Washington, D.C., this week U.S. and Chinese officials have reached an agreement on the guidelines each country will follow when addressing malicious cyber activities or cybercrime threats. On Tuesday (Dec. 1) Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson met with Chinese State Councilor Guo Shengkun to […]

US Tech Executives Serve Up Complaints To China’s Xi Jinping

September 25, 2015
As China’s president, Xi Jinping, met with United States tech leaders earlier this week in Seattle, he urged cooperation between the two countries in developing an Internet that is in...