Verifone Systems Inc news and trends

Lights Out So Far On NFC Terminals
Company Spotlight // September 08, 2014

Most of the largest retailers have moved to EMV-based systems, but smaller businesses are well behind. And of those that have embraced the chip card standard, most also are including Near Field Communication chips in the terminals, executives at terminal manufacturer VeriFone Systems Inc. noted...

VeriFone Reports 9% Rise In Q2 Revenues, Reduces Net Loss
Acquiring // June 05, 2014

VeriFone Systems Inc.’s strategic efforts to improve its core foundation under new leadership paid off in the company’s fiscal second quarter with nearly a 10 percent boost in revenue and a halving of its net loss for the period year over year. “I’m very pleased...

Quick Reads
VeriFone ‘Year Of The Product’ Driving The Top Line

March 12, 2015
Remarks from VeriFone’s CEO Paul Galant during the company’s first-quarter earnings call Tuesday (March 10) demonstrated its commitment to adapting with mobile and digital technologies as the company hopes its investments in EMV merchant certifications will continue to pay off. Calling 2015, the “year of product” for VeriFone, Galant focused his comments in a call with analysts […]