Vertex Ai news and trends

OpenAI’s GPT-4o Aims for Real-Time Voice Assistant Interactions
Artificial Intelligence // May 14, 2024

OpenAI’s new GPT-4o artificial intelligence model could enhance real-time voice interactions, improving the experience for the growing number of consumers using voice assistants. PYMNTS Intelligence found that the use of voice assistants has been steadily increasing, with millions worldwide relying on the technology for various tasks, from setting reminders...

Google Cloud Expands Vertex AI Platform With New Models and Upgrades
Artificial Intelligence // August 29, 2023

Google Cloud has announced several updates and expansions to its Vertex AI platform, aimed at providing customers with a wide range of options for AI models. The company has seen strong demand for Vertex AI, with customer accounts growing more than 15 times in the last quarter, Google...

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Google Cloud Expands Vertex AI Platform With New Models and Upgrades

August 29, 2023
Google Cloud has announced several updates and expansions to its Vertex AI platform, aimed at providing customers with a wide range of options for AI models. The company has seen strong demand for Vertex AI, with customer accounts growing more than 15 times in the last quarter, Google Cloud said in a Tuesday (Aug. 29) blog post. One of […]