Very Good Security news and trends

Plaid Taps VGS for Tokenization Services
Partnerships // May 16, 2022

Data privacy provider Very Good Security (VGS) has launched an expanded partnership with data network Plaid to provide tokenization services, the company said in a Monday (May 16) news release. “Tokenization can help protect personally identifiable information (PII) and sensitive data from being exposed and...

The Rise of Virtual Cards
Digital Payments // October 20, 2021

In “The Way Payments Are Now Done,” 33 payment executives discuss what payments’ “new normal” looks like. “With a virtual card, the customer would be able to immediately resume spending without the hassle and cost of expediting a physical card,” says Mahmoud Abdelkader, CEO of...

55% of Consumers Are Too Scared to Store Their Payment Details Online
Security & Fraud // September 13, 2021

The data breaches that have grabbed headlines and seemed to increase in frequency during the pandemic have kept consumers on their toes when it comes to storing data with merchants. Amid the roughly 400% increase in cyberattacks estimated by the FBI in 2020 that targeted...

Solving the Payments Data Security and Compliance Problem By Getting Rid of the Data
Safety and Security // September 03, 2021

To improve compliance, ensure data privacy and cut costs, there are two ways to do it, Mahmoud Abdelkader, CEO and co-founder of Very Good Security, told Karen Webster. You can build a better data mousetrap — leveraging technology and especially software to figure out how...

Interviews & Exclusives
55% of Consumers Are Too Scared to Store Their Payment Details Online

September 13, 2021
The data breaches that have grabbed headlines and seemed to increase in frequency during the pandemic have kept consumers on their toes when it comes to storing data with merchants. Amid the roughly 400% increase in cyberattacks estimated by the FBI in 2020 that targeted personal data, it should be noted that a majority of […]

Solving the Payments Data Security and Compliance Problem By Getting Rid of the Data

September 03, 2021
To improve compliance, ensure data privacy and cut costs, there are two ways to do it, Mahmoud Abdelkader, CEO and co-founder of Very Good Security, told Karen Webster. You can...

Bank Customers Are More Trusting When FIs Use ‘Zero Data’ Approach

August 19, 2021
Whether it’s consumers getting comfortable with a new payments experience or a large financial institution (FI) getting comfortable sharing data with FinTechs, there’s one constant that needs to be in...

Report: Two-Thirds Of Digital Shoppers Will Bolt If They Feel Unsafe Online

August 04, 2021
In The Privacy Paradox: Securing Data To Build Customer Engagement, a collaboration with Very Good Security, PYMNTS examines the role of personally identifiable information (PII) protections in customer engagement and...

Quick Reads
Plaid Taps VGS for Tokenization Services

May 16, 2022
Data privacy provider Very Good Security (VGS) has launched an expanded partnership with data network Plaid to provide tokenization services, the company said in a Monday (May 16) news release. “Tokenization can help protect personally identifiable information (PII) and sensitive data from being exposed and used for nefarious purposes,” VGS said in the release. “VGS […]

Very Good Security Raises $8.5M In Round Of Funding

August 28, 2018
Very Good Security (VGS), a startup working to protect data, told TechCrunch on Tuesday (August 28) that it raised $8.5 million in a venture round of fundraising. According to the website, the...