Video Content news and trends

YouTube to Require Creators to Disclose AI-Created Content
artificial intelligence // November 14, 2023

YouTube will add disclosure requirements and other rules for content created with artificial intelligence (AI). These upcoming additions are part of the platform’s effort to implement and accommodate generative AI, Jennifer Flannery O’Connor and Emily Moxley, vice presidents of product management at YouTube, said in a Tuesday (Nov....

Facebook Sweetens Terms In Bid For Video Creators
Social Commerce // June 29, 2020

Facebook is upping the ante again in its bid to lure online video personalities to its platform. On Monday (June 29), the company said it was adding a number of sweeteners aimed at helping video creators and publishers earn more money on the social media...

A Marketplace That Delivers Business Beauty On Demand
Matchmakers // July 18, 2018

Businesses of all kinds have a need for high-quality photo and video content on a near-constant basis. Even in a retail era where businesses and brands actively solicit user-created photos for their websites, apps and social media streams, there is still a need for professional...

Viewing Video Though The Blockchain Lens
Blockchain // February 16, 2018

Blockchains have been touted as the rails-underpinning efforts to decentralize payments,  protect data, and share content.  And when it comes to sharing content, it follows that video may be on that list of items that can be sent, and monetized, from peer to peer.  Viewly...

Interviews & Exclusives
A Marketplace That Delivers Business Beauty On Demand

July 18, 2018
Businesses of all kinds have a need for high-quality photo and video content on a near-constant basis. Even in a retail era where businesses and brands actively solicit user-created photos for their websites, apps and social media streams, there is still a need for professional photographers. According to Gaetan Rougevin-Baville, VP of photography and videography firm Meero, in […]

Quick Reads
YouTube to Require Creators to Disclose AI-Created Content

November 14, 2023
YouTube will add disclosure requirements and other rules for content created with artificial intelligence (AI). These upcoming additions are part of the platform’s effort to implement and accommodate generative AI, Jennifer Flannery O’Connor and Emily Moxley, vice presidents of product management at YouTube, said in a Tuesday (Nov. 14) blog post. “We’re tremendously excited about the potential of this […]

Facebook Sweetens Terms In Bid For Video Creators

June 29, 2020
Facebook is upping the ante again in its bid to lure online video personalities to its platform. On Monday (June 29), the company said it was adding a number of...