Visa Hackathon news and trends

Visa’s Hackathon Winner, Hermyz, Takes B2B Payments Inspiration From Slack
B2B Payments // May 18, 2018

Visa’s latest fuel to the B2B payments innovation fire came in the form of its inaugural Small Business Hackathon earlier this year. Its winner was Hermyz, a company set on using technology to guide small businesses away from paper checks and toward digitization. As the...

Interviews & Exclusives
Why Visa Took On Natural Disasters With Its SMB Week Hackathon

May 09, 2019
There are approximately 30.2 million small companies open for business in the U.S. today, employing around 58 million American workers, according to the Small Business Administration (SBA). That’s roughly half the adult workforce in the U.S. (47 percent), and the majority of those workers are employed at firms of fewer than 100 employees. Individually, these firms […]