Visual Commerce news and trends

Commerce Gets More Visual As Retailers Embrace 3D
Retail // May 21, 2019

As brick-and-mortar retailers work to survive in this digital age, they are looking to another digital tool in that ongoing effort: 3D mapping. It’s among the latest ways that spatially focused technology promises to improve the retail experience. According to a recent report from AdWeek, this...

Google Image Search Gets Contextual Commerce Boost
Google // September 25, 2018

Combine visual smarts with digital context and you’ve created an online shopping method that can respond to consumer impulses and discovery in ways that can feel pleasingly intimate – and can even lead to significant profit boosts. That’s one angle through which you can view...

Interviews & Exclusives
More Than Pretty Pictures: Visual Commerce’s Rise Boosts Retail

August 13, 2019
For fans of retail or marketing history — or just fans of how people communicated in the past — reading old magazine and newspaper advertisement from, say, before the 1960s can be fun and illuminating. Sure, there are a lot of pretty pictures, but what strikes you is the relative verbosity of the ad copy, […]