Voice Economy news and trends

QSRs Add Voice AI, but Consumers Aren’t Biting
Today In Data // November 20, 2023

Quick-service restaurants (QSRs) are increasingly integrating voice artificial intelligence (AI) into the ordering process, but PYMNTS Intelligence shows most consumers believe it will be a long time before the technology can provide a better experience than interacting with a human. By the Numbers The PYMNTS...

Thirty Percent of US Millennials Use a Voice Assistant to Pay Bills
artificial intelligence // October 24, 2023

The Voice Economy is gaining momentum as consumers turn to voice technology for a variety of tasks.  The most common tasks performed with this technology include watching TV or playing music, transferring money, and ordering taxi services or groceries, but also more complex tasks with...

Multilingual AI Assistants Boost Voice Tech Appeal Despite Uneven Adoption
artificial intelligence // October 17, 2023

Is your smart voice assistant speaking your language? With how technology is fast evolving, the likelihood of that answer being “yes” grows stronger with each passing day. As PYMNTS Intelligence noted in “Preparing for a Voice Commerce Future Report: Gen AI Raises the Bar on...

The Race to Develop Voice AI Faster Than Scammers Can Clone It  
artificial intelligence // July 19, 2023

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) plays three notes: text, voice and video.  And with all the hype around text-based generative AI capabilities, it’s easy to forget about the other two.  But voice AI, particularly voice biometrics and authentication, is increasingly coming into vogue.  PayPal is reportedly...

Interviews & Exclusives
QSRs Add Voice AI, but Consumers Aren’t Biting

November 20, 2023
Quick-service restaurants (QSRs) are increasingly integrating voice artificial intelligence (AI) into the ordering process, but PYMNTS Intelligence shows most consumers believe it will be a long time before the technology can provide a better experience than interacting with a human. By the Numbers The PYMNTS Intelligence report “How Consumers Want To Live In The Voice […]

Thirty Percent of US Millennials Use a Voice Assistant to Pay Bills

October 24, 2023
The Voice Economy is gaining momentum as consumers turn to voice technology for a variety of tasks.  The most common tasks performed with this technology include watching TV or playing...

Multilingual AI Assistants Boost Voice Tech Appeal Despite Uneven Adoption

October 17, 2023
Is your smart voice assistant speaking your language? With how technology is fast evolving, the likelihood of that answer being “yes” grows stronger with each passing day. As PYMNTS Intelligence...

The Race to Develop Voice AI Faster Than Scammers Can Clone It  

July 19, 2023
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) plays three notes: text, voice and video.  And with all the hype around text-based generative AI capabilities, it’s easy to forget about the other two.  But...