W3c news and trends

W3C’s Better Way To Reduce Checkout Friction
API // August 22, 2018

No one likes standing in lines, whether inside a brick-and-mortar store or in the virtual waiting room of a slow-moving or complicated online checkout process. Making it easy for consumers to hand over their payments — and earning their loyalty by doing so — is...

Browser Or Buy Button? W3C’s Jacobs On The Payment Request API
Digital Payments // August 22, 2018

Native apps are boring and the web is not dead, said Sir Tim Berners-Lee in November of 2014, on the 25th anniversary of the commercial web. He’s entitled to that opinion: He’s the one, after all, who invented the World Wide Web. His point then,...

FIDO And W3C Launch Password-Free Browser
Safety and Security // April 11, 2018

The FIDO Alliance and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) have announced the launch of Web Authentication (WebAuthn), a password-free browser that has the stamp of approval of Google, Microsoft and Mozilla. WebAuthn defines a standard web API that can be incorporated into browsers and...

Standardizing Digital Payments Standardization
Payment Methods // December 14, 2017

Payments standardization is easy in concept, difficult in process in the age of mobile commerce. How to bridge the divides between payments firms, consumers and businesses? A few key tenets, according to Sang Ahn, Samsung VP and GM of Samsung Pay, involve simplification, unification and...

Interviews & Exclusives
Standardizing Digital Payments Standardization

December 14, 2017
Payments standardization is easy in concept, difficult in process in the age of mobile commerce. How to bridge the divides between payments firms, consumers and businesses? A few key tenets, according to Sang Ahn, Samsung VP and GM of Samsung Pay, involve simplification, unification and constant dialogue among stakeholders.

Quick Reads
Apple, Google, Microsoft Expand Support of Passwordless Sign-Ins

May 05, 2022
In a team initiative to upgrade the security of the internet, Apple, Google, and Microsoft are expanding support for a passwordless sign-in standard created by the FIDO Alliance and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). “‘Simpler, stronger authentication’ is not just FIDO Alliance’s tagline — it also has been a guiding principle for our specifications […]

W3C’s Better Way To Reduce Checkout Friction

August 22, 2018
No one likes standing in lines, whether inside a brick-and-mortar store or in the virtual waiting room of a slow-moving or complicated online checkout process. Making it easy for consumers...

FIDO And W3C Launch Password-Free Browser

April 11, 2018
The FIDO Alliance and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) have announced the launch of Web Authentication (WebAuthn), a password-free browser that has the stamp of approval of Google, Microsoft...