Watchguard news and trends

Botnets For Breakfast, Election Hacks For Snacks
Security & Fraud // August 11, 2017

Conspiracy theorists who think someone tampered with the 2016 U.S. election may actually have a case. The level of security on U.S. voting machines — or lack thereof — is practically an invitation to cyberhackers to tamper with election results, upload malicious software or compromise voter data....

When Hackers Outsmart The Smart Fridge
Security & Fraud // June 30, 2017

Cybercrime isn’t always about stealing credit card data. In the digital world, there’s strength in numbers, and a botnet — essentially, an army of IP addresses — can turn a pretty penny on the darknet. That’s why hackers are targeting Linux systems, and consumers don’t...

Hacker Tracker: New Threats And Old Classics
Security & Fraud // April 21, 2017

Cybercriminals certainly had a habit of churning out headline-worthy attacks in 2016 — from the Mirai botnet’s infamous distributed-denial-of-service attacks on domain directory Dyn and the DNC hack to hackers targeting the SWIFT interbank system. With these and other high-profile cases, the world became acutely aware...

Interviews & Exclusives
When Hackers Outsmart The Smart Fridge

June 30, 2017
Cybercrime isn’t always about stealing credit card data. In the digital world, there’s strength in numbers, and a botnet — essentially, an army of IP addresses — can turn a pretty penny on the darknet. That’s why hackers are targeting Linux systems, and consumers don’t even know they’re using them. While few computer users opt […]

Quick Reads
Hacker Tracker: New Threats And Old Classics

April 21, 2017
Cybercriminals certainly had a habit of churning out headline-worthy attacks in 2016 — from the Mirai botnet’s infamous distributed-denial-of-service attacks on domain directory Dyn and the DNC hack to hackers targeting the SWIFT interbank system. With these and other high-profile cases, the world became acutely aware of vulnerabilities in the digital realm. As it turns out, […]