Weave news and trends

Weave Launches Experience Platform for Healthcare Practices With Multiple Locations
Healthcare // June 26, 2024

Weave has launched a new experience platform for healthcare practices with multiple locations, including dental service organizations, vision, veterinary and medical groups. This new enterprise experience joins the company’s existing platform designed for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, Weave said in a Wednesday (June 26)...

AI, Virtual Cards, Embedded Lending Define This Week in B2B
B2B Payments // June 13, 2024

B2B payments used to be defined by paper and processes. However, as the digitization of commercial payments continues, B2B payments are being defined by their workflows and data – both of which are increasingly the target of disruptive innovations capable of automating away rote work...

Weave Adds Partner Marketplace to Healthcare Business Platform
Healthcare // June 12, 2024

Weave has added a partner marketplace to its platform for small- to medium-sized healthcare businesses. The Weave Partner Marketplace includes affiliate products and services designed to help healthcare practices enhance their operational efficiency and patient experiences, the company said in a Wednesday (June 12) press release. It is...

Weave Launches Payment Plans for Patients
Healthcare // February 13, 2024

Healthcare experience platform Weave is introducing payment plans to its payments suite, enabling customers to pay their bills in installments. Payment Plans will allow healthcare businesses to set up and manage recurring payment schedules, Weave said in a Tuesday (Feb. 13) news release.  Customers can create a payment...

Interviews & Exclusives
Blend, Huize Help FinTech IPO Index Notch 0.2% Gain in Volatile Week 

September 29, 2023
A volatile week on Wall Street is bringing the third quarter to a close. And for the FinTech IPO Index, the slight gains of 0.2% came as platforms and international names showed some outsized momentum. Blend stock surged 12.6%. In an announcement, Blend disclosed the addition of Assets-Derived Income to its existing Blend Income product. […]

Turning Communications Software Into a Payment Enabled Small Business Platform

December 28, 2021
Small businesses today are increasingly reliant on technology to survive and thrive in these uncertain times. Their business operations have become increasingly digitized, to the point where many small businesses...

Quick Reads
Weave Launches Experience Platform for Healthcare Practices With Multiple Locations

June 26, 2024
Weave has launched a new experience platform for healthcare practices with multiple locations, including dental service organizations, vision, veterinary and medical groups. This new enterprise experience joins the company’s existing platform designed for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, Weave said in a Wednesday (June 26) press release. The new solution has features that meet the […]

Weave Adds Partner Marketplace to Healthcare Business Platform

June 12, 2024
Weave has added a partner marketplace to its platform for small- to medium-sized healthcare businesses. The Weave Partner Marketplace includes affiliate products and services designed to help healthcare practices enhance their operational...

Weave Launches Payment Plans for Patients

February 13, 2024
Healthcare experience platform Weave is introducing payment plans to its payments suite, enabling customers to pay their bills in installments. Payment Plans will allow healthcare businesses to set up and manage recurring...

Weave Introduces ACH Direct Debit Payments for Patients

January 10, 2024
  Weave, a platform for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, has announced the integration of ACH debit payments into its product suite. This new addition allows patients to pay their...