Web 3 0 news and trends

Airswift CEO Says 3 Features Are Key to Crypto’s Future
Cryptocurrency // February 22, 2023

In tough times, embattled industries tend to transform themselves around new realities. Dr. Yan Zhang, CEO of full-stack cryptocurrency payments provider Airswift, told PYMNTS’ CEO Karen Webster during a recent discussion that he sees right now as one of those pivotal moments for crypto and Web3...

How Local Developers Are Driving Gaming Innovation Across MENA
Metaverse // September 19, 2022

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is one of the fastest-growing markets for the gaming industry. In Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) alone, about 65 million gamers generated $1.76 billion in 2021. And by 2025, those numbers are projected...

PYMNTS Intelligence: Keeping Consumers Safe in Web 3.0
Fraud Prevention // September 07, 2022

As ubiquitous as the internet may be, there are new and exciting virtual realities to consider: The metaverse is on its way. A poll indicated that four out of five consumers are looking forward to experiencing art, culture, fashion, movies, concerts and games in the...

Secure Payments in the Metaverse Will Lean on Banking Experience, Technology
Fraud Prevention // September 02, 2022

The possibilities of Web3 are becoming increasingly apparent. This newest iteration of the internet will feature a strong emphasis on decentralized applications, heavy use of machine learning and artificial intelligence and extensive use of blockchain-based technologies. Additionally, the metaverse provides infrastructure that allows consumers to...

Interviews & Exclusives
Is DeFi Infrastructure ‘Tailor-Made’ for Managing Crypto Risks?

May 26, 2023
While crypto’s future in the U.S. remains as shrouded as ever, it’s a different story elsewhere. “The world is truly fragmented now, you hear a different story [everywhere],” Dr. Yan Zhang, co-founder of Web3-native payment aggregator Pelago, told PYMNTS.  But what remains the same, no matter the geography, is the need to effectively manage regulatory and operational risks, particularly as […]

Airswift CEO Says 3 Features Are Key to Crypto’s Future

February 22, 2023
In tough times, embattled industries tend to transform themselves around new realities. Dr. Yan Zhang, CEO of full-stack cryptocurrency payments provider Airswift, told PYMNTS’ CEO Karen Webster during a recent discussion...

Secure Payments in the Metaverse Will Lean on Banking Experience, Technology

September 02, 2022
The possibilities of Web3 are becoming increasingly apparent. This newest iteration of the internet will feature a strong emphasis on decentralized applications, heavy use of machine learning and artificial intelligence...

Quick Reads
Bitcoin Daily: Bitcoin Price Rises Above $12K For 30 Minutes; Colorado Lottery Partners With Chainlink...

August 02, 2020
Bitcoin had a turbulent weekend, rising to $12,112 in value just after midnight on Sunday (Aug. 2), and then falling to $10,638 just 30 minutes later, Bloomberg reported. The high was bitcoin’s best rate since August of last year, according to Bloomberg’s estimation. As of 8:48 a.m. Sunday, bitcoin was down 6.7 percent to $11,054. […]