Websites news and trends

How Google’s AI Spam Crackdown Will Affect Businesses
Google // March 08, 2024

Google’s revision of its spam policy to exclude artificial intelligence (AI)-generated clickbait from search results is poised to benefit companies focused on creating high-quality, user-centric content, experts say, setting them apart in a competitive landscape. The search giant is taking steps to improve the quality...

Facebook Canada Starts Aid Program For SMBs
B2B Payments // May 26, 2020

Facebook Canada has announced a series of initiatives to aid small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) during the coronavirus pandemic, including $3.5 million in grants, virtual training classes and new features to help promote SMBs across numerous apps owned by the social media giant, according to...

H&M Tops Ranking Of Most-Visited eCommerce Fashion Sites
Retail // May 24, 2019

In a study of the most visited eCommerce fashion websites, online visibility management platform company SEMrush found that H&M was the most frequented site around the globe. Fashion retailers Macy’s and Wildberries followed H&M in the ranking, according to the study’s results. SEMrush found that...

Hacker Steals 127M User Records From Houzz, Ixigo
Security & Fraud // February 15, 2019

A hacker who stole around 620 million user records last year has struck again, this time taking another 127 million records from eight websites. According to reports, the hacker gained access to 16 websites last year, stealing more than 151 million records from MyFitnessPal and...

Quick Reads
H&M Tops Ranking Of Most-Visited eCommerce Fashion Sites

May 24, 2019
In a study of the most visited eCommerce fashion websites, online visibility management platform company SEMrush found that H&M was the most frequented site around the globe. Fashion retailers Macy’s and Wildberries followed H&M in the ranking, according to the study’s results. SEMrush found that Zaful was the fourth most visited site, which was followed […]

Hacker Steals 127M User Records From Houzz, Ixigo

February 15, 2019
A hacker who stole around 620 million user records last year has struck again, this time taking another 127 million records from eight websites. According to reports, the hacker gained...

Federal Websites’ Certificates Expire During Govt. Shutdown

January 17, 2019
Add federal websites to the fallout from the government shutdown. According to a new report in The Washington Post, with the shutdown now dragging into its 27th day, a growing...

Interpol Investigation Found 9,000 Infected Southeast Asia Servers

April 25, 2017
International police organization INTERPOL led a major investigation into cybercrime in Southeast Asia, along with seven other nations in the area. After conducting a thorough dive into the Southeast Asia cyberspace,...