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Adflex Expands Mastercard Tie-Up, Offers Click to Pay to Merchants

May 18, 2022
B2B eCommerce
The Overwhelming Burden of Big Data
B2B Payments // May 26, 2015

Some of the world’s largest companies, like Apple and Google, are touting their achievements in the world of Big Data and working to innovate in the Internet of Things space. But new research from B2B technology firm EMC reveals that even some of the biggest...

China’s Banks Weary of P2P Lending
B2B Payments // May 26, 2015

China’s alternative lending market remains only a small fraction of lending in the nation, but experts say P2P finance is poised to become a viable threat to the traditional lending sector. As experienced in many jurisdictions around the globe since the financial crisis, Chinese mainstream...

B2B eCommerce Rivalry Between China, India Heats Up
B2B Payments // May 26, 2015

India Prime Minister Narendra Modi may be pushing for a rise in Made-In-India manufacturing, but competitive pricing from China often proves too good to pass up, especially in the eCommerce sector, according to the latest reports. A leading Chinese B2B eCommerce firm, DHgate, has reportedly...

Late Payments Take A Heavy Toll On EU Employment
B2B Payments // May 26, 2015

Across Europe, small businesses are struggling to grapple with getting paid on later terms by their large corporate buyers. While the topic has gained significant attention in the U.K., forcing lawmakers to address the issue with legislation, the problem is widespread across the EU. It’s...