Whole Paycheck news and trends

Whole Paycheck: Amazon Widens 3-Year Lead In Apparel; Walmart Designs A Fashionable Future
Walmart Amazon whole paycheck // March 19, 2021

In this week’s Whole Paycheck report, just days after reports surfaced that Amazon was upping its grocery game to try to chip away at Walmart’s 10x lead in food and beverage sales, the 60-year-old owner of 5,500 stores is making moves of its own to...

Whole Paycheck: Will 2021 Be The Tie-Breaker Year For Amazon And Walmart?
Walmart Amazon whole paycheck // March 12, 2021

In this week’s Whole Paycheck Tracker, Amazon and Walmart find themselves in a dead heat in the grab for retail sales market share, as both companies roll out plans aimed at increasing sales and efficiency. As industry watchers point out, that change had been in...

Walmart’s Q4 Holiday Sales Likely Show Amazon’s Dominance In Electronics
Walmart Amazon whole paycheck // February 12, 2021

Amazon is growing faster and its market cap is bigger, but Walmart still sells more stuff. Investors will get a fresh look at how the two titans are faring against each other next week when Walmart delivers its Q4 results, two weeks after Amazon shattered...

Whole Paycheck: Amazon Makes Nice With Joe Biden But Sues The EU; Walmart Pushes Deeper...
Walmart Amazon whole paycheck // January 22, 2021

The race for the consumers’ whole paycheck continued this week between Amazon and Walmart, with Amazon pushing back against Italian antitrust regulators even as the eCommerce giant tried to play nice with new U.S. President Joe Biden. Meanwhile, Walmart pushed deeper into a new financial...

Interviews & Exclusives
Amazon And Walmart’s Battle For Consumer Retail Spend

September 04, 2020
In some ways, the second quarter was like nothing the world has ever seen, as the pandemic cut through the daily lives of Americans from April through June, and is still a factor in many parts of the country. But in other ways, it was business as usual, as the two biggest retailers in the […]

Data Dive: Bottom-Line Thinking On Bottom Lines

April 17, 2017
One day, Wells may not dominate the financial headlines the way it has.  But not yet. And elsewhere, suspicions are a-brewing about how fleet cards are managed, at least within...