Xpressbuy news and trends

How ‘Snackable Moments’ Turn Browsers Into Buyers

February 04, 2016
Heeding XpressBuy’s ‘Call To Commerce’
Merchant Innovation // August 21, 2015

Contextual commerce is the “next big thing” in payments as innovators create ways for consumers to scratch their buying itch - the moment they feel it. Murali Subbarao, CEO and Founder of XpressBuy, tells MPD CEO Karen Webster how they are taking buy buttons to...

XpressBuy Launches New eCommerce Initiative
Mobile Commerce // August 12, 2015

XpressBuy, an eCommerce platform for marketers focused on “Buy Buttons,” said on Wednesday (Aug. 12) that it is integrating with some of the largest global eCommerce platforms. In the press release detailing the new relationships, the company said it was linking up with four eCommerce...

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XpressBuy Launches New eCommerce Initiative

August 12, 2015
XpressBuy, an eCommerce platform for marketers focused on “Buy Buttons,” said on Wednesday (Aug. 12) that it is integrating with some of the largest global eCommerce platforms. In the press release detailing the new relationships, the company said it was linking up with four eCommerce partners, including IBM WebSphere Commerce, Shopify, Magento and Demandware. XpressBuy […]