Yale University news and trends

AI/BOT: Man Versus Artificial Intelligence
Chatbots And Commerce // June 13, 2017

Since the advent of technology, the age-old battle of man versus machine has been an issue. Whether it’s televisions entering homes in the mid-20th-century or personal computers coming onto the scene in the late 1980s, technology has no doubt had an effect on everyday life....

Quick Reads
Bitcoin Daily: Yale Mulls $400M Investment In Crypto; Fortnite Targeted With Bitcoin Wallet Malware

October 08, 2018
Intesa Sanpaolo, Italy’s second largest financial institution (FI) — along with 13 other banks — has completed the first phase of an interbank blockchain trial. The tests, which began on June 4 and ended last week, were held with ABI Lab, which is supported by the Italian Banking Association (ABI). The interbank system is built […]