Yaypay news and trends

82% of CFOs Measure AR Turnover to Gauge Success
B2B Payments // March 21, 2022

Payments delays are a perpetual nuisance in many industries, as they can result in downstream cash flow issues that harm accounts payable (AP), payroll and other departments. Take, for example, one sector especially prone to feeling the squeeze from sluggish payments: construction. Tardy payments cost...

47% of CFOs Say Clearer Receivables Processes Boost Customer Lifetime Value
B2B Payments // January 24, 2022

While chief financial officers (CFOs) have many reasons to upgrade their accounts receivable (AR) systems, more than half of them cited more transparent processes as a primary motivation. In fact, 70% said that making AR processes more transparent would boost their customers’ lifetime value, and...

72% of Firms Say AR Automation Reduced Operating Costs
B2B Payments // January 20, 2022

Accounts receivable (AR) teams are leveraging technology to meet the demands of today’s remote economy. Automating routine AR processes can be a critical step in addressing remote accounting hurdles as well as the traditional chores within the order-to-cash (O2C) process. For example, among the firms...

93% of Companies Experience Late Payments
B2B Payments // January 04, 2022

Accounts receivable (AR) teams face notable challenges, especially if their companies continue to rely largely on manual processes. One of the biggest pain points is delayed payments, with 93% of companies experiencing late payments from customers, according to the “Working Capital Playbook,” a PYMNTS and...

Interviews & Exclusives
CFO Spending on AR Automation Linked to Rise in Remote Workers

November 12, 2021
Cash flow considerations are not limited to one sector or business type. Delays or errors in the process can have colossal ripple effects in all industries. Firms that lack the free capital to ensure timely payroll, vendor payments and a host of other necessities could find themselves in a world of issues. It is the […]

Experts Say Supply Chain Challenges Spur New Digital Payments Innovations

October 28, 2021
First the bad news: It will take years for supply chains to return to normal. But the good news: A panel of experts in transportation, logistics and finance told PYMNTS...

Quora CEO Says AR Automation Blunts Cash Flow Impact of Remote Work Environment

October 14, 2021
Last year, the entire business world experienced a sea of change when remote work became the new normal due to social distancing and stay-at-home guidelines. With the pandemic now more...

AdTechs Must Mind Payment Status, Do Credit Checks Or Face Devastating Cash Flow Crunch

August 24, 2021
Accounts receivable (AR) is a critical part of any business that deals with customers, regardless of whether they employ in-house teams or outsource the work to third-party accounting firms. This...