Yellow Ai news and trends

Bite-Sized AI: Why Smaller Models Like Microsoft’s Phi-3 Are Big for Business
artificial intelligence // April 23, 2024

Smaller artificial intelligence (AI) models, like Microsoft’s recently unveiled Phi-3-mini, are proving that bigger isn’t always better for business applications. These lightweight, efficient models can tackle content creation and data analysis without the hefty computational requirements and costs associated with their larger counterparts, experts say, making AI more accessible and cost-effective...

Over 40% of Retailers Cite Talent Gap as Key Barrier to AI Adoption
artificial intelligence // December 07, 2023

From eCommerce to mobile payments, the fast-paced retail industry thrives on emerging technologies. Enter generative artificial intelligence (AI) — an evolution that places retail at the forefront of innovation yet again. This transformative tool doesn’t just adapt; it creates and delivers solutions, promising a new... Partners With AWS to Scale AI-Powered Voicebots and Chatbots
Artificial Intelligence // November 21, 2023 chose Amazon Web Services (AWS) as its preferred cloud provider to run its generative artificial intelligence (AI)-powered voicebot and chatbot solutions. The move will enable to scale its business globally, the companies said in a Tuesday (Nov. 21) press release. “In the customer...

Voice and Messaging Solutions Sing Out as Conversational AI Platforms Gain Momentum
Voice Activation // March 11, 2022

If you find yourself getting impatient with Alexa, Siri or any number of voice-prompt customer service lines, listen up: Conversational artificial intelligence (AI) has a lot to say. In a growing number of use cases, voice and messaging are talking customers along step by step...

Interviews & Exclusives
Voice Tech Leans on AI to Humanize Customer Service and Experience

December 14, 2021
If you find chat bots unhelpful or holding for customer service reps a drag, don’t feel bad. It’s a natural human reaction — the kind of human reaction better handled by automated voice assistants powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that are smart, fast and far more humanlike now. Companies are automating everything imaginable for cost […]

Quick Reads Partners With AWS to Scale AI-Powered Voicebots and Chatbots

November 21, 2023 chose Amazon Web Services (AWS) as its preferred cloud provider to run its generative artificial intelligence (AI)-powered voicebot and chatbot solutions. The move will enable to scale its business globally, the companies said in a Tuesday (Nov. 21) press release. “In the customer service industry, swift, engaging and personalized interactions are key to […]