Zipbooks news and trends

ZipBooks Takes On Age Old SME Growing Pains
B2B Payments // April 06, 2017

While a great deal in the realm of business has changed in the past few years — disruptive tech startups, a proliferation of sales models and channels, the digitization of what seems like everything — some things remain the same. Despite how different things may appear,...

ZipBooks Turns To Underwriting With Seed Funding
B2B Payments // July 21, 2016

ZipBooks may claim thousands of SMEs as existing customers and may already have a multi-featured small business accounting service in place, but it’s only recently that the company has secured venture capital support. On Wednesday (July 20), the startup announced a $2 million seed funding round...

Invoicing (And Funding) With A Focus On SMB Mobility
B2B Payments // May 03, 2016

Small business owners are frequently on the go and may not have time at day’s end to settle back into the office and reconcile invoices. A new app from ZipBooks helps small business owners track invoicing, accounting and even get funding — all from the...

ZipBooks SME Funding Lands On The iPhone
B2B Payments // April 28, 2016

ZipBooks, which provides small and medium-sized businesses with invoice financing tools and accounting software, is going mobile. The company announced on Wednesday (April 27) that its free iPhone app is now live, providing small business owners with a mobile version of that accounting and factoring service. The...