The Institute is in session! The top thinkers and doers in payments are seated and ready to exchange ideas on how to continue to fuel the flame of innovation in the industry.
David S. Evans, founder of Market Platform Dynamics, kicked off the event by explaining why the time for innovation in the payments sector is now, particularly in light of the new regulatory landscape. He pointed out the impact the CARD Act has already had on the payments ecosystem.
He also advocated that while cash is down, it’s not out, and that the mag stripe is not dead.
“Innovations won’t get traction unless they provide value to merchants and consumers… if it won’t solve the chicken-and-egg problem … if it forces too much change in a system that already works well,” said Evans.
Check out the video below for more of David’s opening remarks.
For more of David’s ideas on igniting payments innovation, has posted several of his blog entries: “Why Every Payments Product Needs an Ignition Strategy,” “Blast Off! How Two-Sided Platforms Ignited” and “How Long Does a New Platform Have to Ignite or Fizzle.”
Next, James Sanger (General Partner, ABS Ventures) and Josh Lerner (Jacob H. Schiff Professor of Investment Banking, Harvard Business School
Finding and Funding Innovation) will give an overview on identifying, nurturing, and funding innovation. Blog Entries from the Innovation Institute
Day 1
Day 2